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Røkelse Morning Star - Patchouli 50 pinner

På lager: 24
Art.nr: 9271g50
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Norsk Nettbutikk

Morning Star Incense: Patchouli

I det 18. århundre ble patchouli anvendt i forbindelse med silketransporten fra Kina til Mellom Østen og Europa. De kinesiske kjøpmennene anvendte tørkede patchouli-blader imellom de kostbare klærne for å forhindre møll i å angripe og ødelegge silken. Det er kanskje grunnen til at duften av patchouli i Europa ble betraktet som en spesiell luksuriøs duft. Således fortelles det, at Dronning Victoria lot patchouli-blader inngå som dufttilsetning i sine linnedkister.
Patchoili-røkelse var også meget populær i 1960'ernes hippiekultur. Musikeren Al Stewart omtaler duften i sin sang 'Year of the Cat' fra 1976 med setningen: 'She comes in incense and patchouli'. Sangen handler nettopp om en turist, som møter en hippiekvinne på et marked i Marokko: 'On a morning from a Bogart movie, in a country where they turned back time...'

50 pinner i en eske
Lengde ca 12 cm
Brennetid ca 25 min
Liten røkelsesholder medfølger

Patchouli er en cirka 75 cm høy busklignende urt, som vokser naturlig i Sydøst-Asia, Vestafrika og Karibien.

Duften er mild, mint- og urteaktig, og har en avlappende og ren virkning.

Den mest populære serien - grunnet sin dokumenterende renhet.

Morning star best i rapport.
De reneste råvarer.
I 2004 undersøkte Miljøstyrelsen i Danmark i en stor rapport de forskjellige røkelser på det danske markedet, og Morning Star røkelsen kom ut med de beste verdier i alle målingene.


Morning Star Incense: Patchouli

In the 18th century, patchouli was used in connection with the transport of silk from China to the Middle East and Europe. The Chinese merchants used dried patchouli leaves between the expensive clothes to prevent moths from attacking and destroying the silk. This may be why the scent of patchouli in Europe was considered a special luxurious fragrance. Thus it is said that Queen Victoria included patchouli leaves as a fragrance additive in her linen chests.
Patchoili incense was also very popular in 1960s hippie culture. Musician Al Stewart mentions the scent in his 1976 song 'Year of the Cat' with the phrase: 'She comes in incense and patchouli'. The song is about a tourist, who meets a hippie woman at a market in Morocco: 'On a morning from a Bogart movie, in a country where they turned back time ...'

50 sticks in a box
Length about 12 cm
Burn time approx. 25 min
Small incense holder included

Patchouli is an approximately 75 cm tall shrub-like herb, which grows naturally in Southeast Asia, West Africa and the Caribbean.

The scent is mild, mint and herbal, and has a relaxing and clean effect.

The most popular series - due to its documentary purity.

Morning is best in report.
The purest ingredients.
In 2004, the Danish Environmental Protection Agency examined in a large report the various incense on the Danish market, and the Morning Star incense came out with the best values ​​in all the measurements.


Gryta Sanseri

Yoga, Duft & Drømmer….


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