Engelsmykke Jaspis Breksje 3,5cm
Virker samlende og skaper forbindelse og balanse mellom chakraene. Forener tanke og handling, og hjelper med å bevare ro og overblikk. Reduserer stress, og symboliserer det å holde fokus, være konsentrert og ha klar tanke. Motvirker destruktivitet og selvdestruktive tanker og handlingsmønster.
Chakra: alle Nøkkelord: samling, endring og fokus
Leveres med steinkort i farger og gaveboks/gavepose
Angel Jewellery Jasper Breccia 3.5cm
Has a unifying effect and creates connection and balance between the chakras. Unifies thought and action, and helps maintain calm and overview. Reduces stress, and symbolizes staying focused, being concentrated and having a clear mind. Counteracts destructiveness and self-destructive thoughts and patterns of action.
Chakra: all Keywords: collection, change and focus
Supplied with stone card in colors and gift box/gift bag
Angel Jewellery Jasper Breccia 3.5cm
Has a unifying effect and creates connection and balance between the chakras. Unifies thought and action, and helps maintain calm and overview. Reduces stress, and symbolizes staying focused, being concentrated and having a clear mind. Counteracts destructiveness and self-destructive thoughts and patterns of action.
Chakra: all Keywords: collection, change and focus
Supplied with stone card in colors and gift box/gift bag